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Summer of Peaceful Protests
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The Leadership Class Will NOT Allow Dissenting Thought

once they come for you, it never stops.

Wed Dad. Breast feeding for males
Grow a spine or be conquered
September 30, 2023
A Draft in Our Future

thank @aocchambliss for pointing this out.

this is out of the Army War College. this study is not by mistake.

Most gen z won't qualify at rates never seen before.

A Draft in Our Future
Call in Show

so the idea would be i pick a topic. you use a link I send to 'call in'. meaning get on with me live. you don't need to be on video. can be just audio.

i provide a stream yard link. easy to do from any device. thoughts.

Cities and states are now putting an 8-point MUSLIM star on their flags. My shit is not going to be back together again until this is done - that is fucking it.

Loving the punishments.
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