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California dad wins full custody of son that mother tried to raise as nonbinary

Harrison Tinsley now has full custody of his 4-year-old son, Sawyer, after a long legal battle prompted by his ex-girlfriend’s efforts to raise the boy nonbinary.

“I know he’s a boy,” says Tinsley. “He wants to be a boy. He adamantly expresses that. If you say anything to the contrary, he gets very upset, and it’s just insane that people, any person, would push this ideology onto a child, as opposed to just [allowing them to] be happy with who they are.”

In a state like California, which recently passed a bill allowing schools to keep knowledge from parents related to the gender transition of minors, it’s easy to see why Tinsley views his victory as a “miracle.”

Due to an “incident,” which Tinsley did not describe in any detail, Child Protective Services in San Francisco got involved and “put politics aside and did what they felt was best for the child,” the father explains.


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