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Voters in Georgia, Texas & Tennessee Report Voting Machines Flipping Their Selections

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) first broke the issue on The Alex Jones Show on Friday, reporting that Dominion voting machines in Georgia are flipping voter selections in her district from Republican to Democrat.

“CHECK YOUR BALLOTS GEORGIA! Reports from Whitfield County, GA that Dominion machines are flipping votes. This is exactly the kind of fraud we saw in 2020 and it cannot be tolerated. I will be working to investigate this issue and ensure the integrity of our elections in Georgia,” Greene posted on X along with the interview.

Greene explained that a voter in Whitfield County noticed that their printed ballot didn’t reflect the selections they made on the voting machine.

“This voter’s printed ballot had been changed from their selections made on the machine. Good thing they checked their paper ballot before turning it in! After several attempts of trying to change it to reflect their correct choices, they had to void the ballot and use a different machine,” Greene posted on X.

Whitfield County Board of Elections later released a statement assuring voters that the voting machine irregularity “was quickly resolved.”

In Shelby County Tennessee, election officials received complaints from multiple voting locations that the voting machines are also switching voters’ selections, which officials claimed was due to sensitive voting machine touchscreens and suggested using a stylus pen to ensure their vote is properly counted.

Shelby County Election Commissioner Venecia Kimbrow held a press conference Thursday to assure voters she and state reps were aware of the issue, claiming only one machine at 10 or 12 precincts was responsible.

“If it is found that a machine is repeatedly giving an error, that machine will be pulled and replaced,” Kimbrow said.

And in Dallas County, Texas, voting machines are reportedly failing to pass their legally required logic and accuracy test, according to County GOP Chair Allen West.

Among the concerns in a statement released Friday, West explained that not only have Secretary of State and Attorney General personnel refused to explain tabulation errors found in the voting machines, but they’ve also refused to provide an explanation for instances of “vote flipping” on some machines.

“We renew our calls to the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s office to impound the failed election equipment and hire a 3rd party forensics expert to analyze the software and determine the source of the central accumulator’s tabulation failures and ExpressVote’s vote-flipping and shutdown failures,” West wrote.

The election is still a couple weeks away and already voting machine shenanigans are eroding voter trust in the electoral process.


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