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When they go to the hitler card...they are desperate. that is the point you vote harder. push harder. show no mercy
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You should vote just to trigger this karen
October 17, 2024
Heifer. Grower

Not cringe for a minute.

October 16, 2024
Fox News Disaster
September 30, 2023
A Draft in Our Future

thank @aocchambliss for pointing this out.

this is out of the Army War College. this study is not by mistake.

Most gen z won't qualify at rates never seen before.

A Draft in Our Future

What, exactly, is a "broken immigration system"? A "broken" immigration system implies that an immigration system is a requirement, like say a water pump or a transmission is a requirement for a functioning vehicle. I have heard "broken immigration system" all my life and it seems that it would be pretty easy to fix - get rid of it. Otherwise, who is this immigration system being "fixed" for? I mean the whole fucking time I have been alive and hearing "broken immigration system", who has it been being fixed for? How have we been hearing "broken immigration system" for decades without wondering how the fuck something that is totally not necessary for the functioning of our country "broken"? I'm guilty too - obviously it has just struck me that the phrase "broken immigration system" is gibberish - but now that it has struck me, what, exactly, is a "broken immigration system"?

19 hours ago
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October 23, 2024

These are the memes the great Monty Furniss made on Salty Cracker page. I had the idea but not the ability and he did a fantastic job ! Remember, remember, the 5th of November. Ive never even seen the movie but I dig the phrase

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