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The Fat Positivity Lie Is Falling Apart | Misha Petrov

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February 13, 2025
Ever do this?
January 15, 2025
What is the difference from 88 to 24?

i went to highschool in the 80s. this is perfect.

December 11, 2024
This is a timelapse of the drones spotted in NJ. The local and state officials have no answer. The federal government has now said that it is and isn't Iran
September 30, 2023
A Draft in Our Future

thank @aocchambliss for pointing this out.

this is out of the Army War College. this study is not by mistake.

Most gen z won't qualify at rates never seen before.

A Draft in Our Future

Here's another slanted headline from the New York Times. And yes, it is a news story. A Chill Sets In for Undocumented Workers, and Those Who Hire Them

And WTF is that comma doing there.

This sounds so familiar - seems to be happening in every country-

The White Guilt Olympics Are Out Of Control | Misha Petrov

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