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Tim Pool Simps for Youtube: I'M TIRED of the LIES

Making Excuses for a Billion Company While Pretending to be a Hipster Counter Culture Bro.

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Bidens America
DNC LOVES fear Porn Propaganda
Mayorkas illegally paroled Laken Riley’s killer into the US.

He had a criminal record. He then committed a crime against a child in New York. No prosecution. In fact, HE GOT A WORK PERMIT. And then he killed Laken. Mayorkas knew all this. He lied about it

September 30, 2023
A Draft in Our Future

thank @aocchambliss for pointing this out.

this is out of the Army War College. this study is not by mistake.

Most gen z won't qualify at rates never seen before.

A Draft in Our Future
Is the leadership imploding the west by design?

my vote is yes. lowering expectation. so crime is now normal. open borders is normal.

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